Remember, someone who really does love you will have patience and respect your needs. They won’t pressure you to say something you aren’t ready to say. Saying “I love you,” at least in the context of a romantic relationship or love interest, does typically suggest a desire for increased commitment. That’s one reason why you might feel a little nervous before saying those words. You want to spend time together and miss them when you’re apart. But you also recognize that you have independent interests and respect their need to spend time alone, or with other friends.

A woman should only fight with you if she aspires to put you on the right track but not make you feel guilty or manipulate you. Respecting your partner’s respects your principles, values, and limits is essential. A relationship can only work out if both parties have different principles and values (moral, religious, cultural, etc.) and disrespect each other’s boundaries.

The second time was 1,5 month after the break to wish me happy birthday and check up on me. Both times I replied politely but nothing more, I have never initiated contact only replied. If you’ve been reading this blog and learning about post-breakup behavior, you will know this is a white lie. Your ex is telling you what she feels at the moment. The true meaning, unfortunately, is concealed, and it’s up to you to dig deeper. By observing people’s actions, you can always see what a person thinks about you.

You are the first person she texts when something good happens, and the last person she texts before bed.

While the behavioral patterns discussed in the article may indicate attraction, you can also check for body language cues to get an idea of how she feels. The signs are often subtle, and if you have a tough time reading female body language, we can help. If she loves you, you will be invited to important events and introduced to her pets, friends, and family. If she pays attention to your friends and family, she values you and the people who mean a lot to you. She will be interested to know about your childhood, your best friend, and other personal details.

In a situation where she is no longer interested in you, these complaints will cease. It means she does not care about the relationship, so you might as well do whatever you like. Similar to holding back on her words, one of the signs she is no longer interested in you is when she stops responding to your texts and calls promptly. This is an evident sign if, in the past, she never misses your phone calls.

They show empathy — in good times and bad

It suddenly feels like she is looking for ways to pick a fight with you. Are you up to date with what’s going on in her life? Are you still the first person she calls when having a bad day?

You will never feel ignored, taken for granted, or as an option. If you find her putting her phone away when she is with you, she gives you all her attention and does not want any distractions. The way a person treats you shows how important you are to them. So, if she makes time for you and sets you at the top of her priority list, she loves and values you a lot.

Meanwhile, the current partner will end up feeling a bit duped. Because of this, it’s worth figuring out where your partner stands with their ex. If you don’t see each other for a few days, she lets you know she’s missed you. Ruth is a life coach who specialises in finance, relationships and career development. Outside work, she loves writing novels and guides for personal development.

♠ Body language that shows she’s really into you ♠

They have several unique ways of expressing their feelings for you, and perhaps that is why you might feel they are difficult to understand. Whenever a woman talks about her future, she’ll most likely include both of you in her plans because she’s in love with you and wants you in her future. She wants to know that you’ll be there for her when she needs you, and it makes her feel good knowing that you want the same things as her. If something feels odd about your relationship, learn how to know if your girlfriend still loves you. Detecting signs she loves you deeply can help you avoid jumping to conclusions.

If not, it means she thinks less of you as a romantic partner and more as a friend or roommate if you live together. Unfortunately, a sign that you no longer interest your partner is if she prefers spending time with anyone but you. She no longer minds if you are busy all week and weekend. Girls are generally planners, so it is pretty unusual to find a girl who does not imagine a future with her boyfriend. This is why a critical sign that she is losing interest in her lack of zeal to you in her future plans. You see, when a girl has no interest in a man, she has no problem rescheduling date plans or canceling at the last minute.