You don’t need to discuss anything, you don’t need to offer solutions– just be there. You may sit together in silence, hold them while they hurt, or lay together. Your emotional support offers them a feeling of safety and stability. Almost without a doubt, depression will put a strain on the strongest of couples.

Just let your partner know you see what they’re going through and are doing your best to understand. Medication can have a place in treatment, but that is for a mental health professional to determine. Depression isn’t like having a headache — you can’t take a couple of pills and find that it’s all better in a hour. There are several antidepressant medications that can treat depression in men.

It means finding someone you feel comfortable sharing your feelings with, someone who’ll listen to you without judging you, or telling you how you should think or feel. Many men recovering from depression notice improvements in sleep patterns and appetite before improvements in their mood. But these self-help steps can have a powerful effect on how you think and feel, helping you to overcome the symptoms of depression and regain your enjoyment of life. This is why it’s a good idea to have a support network for you and partner, especially if a breakup may occur. This network often includes a mental health professional.

People with BPD tend to have intense and highly reactive moods. They often haveintense, unstable and conflicted relationships with othersmarked by turmoil and dysfunction from constant emotional ups and downs. We can all relate to feeling put upon and irritated by some people, but powerless to stop accommodating them. “Just don’t stay in the relationship expecting that there will be a shift in your partner’s historical patterns,” she emphasizes. If you’re in a relationship with someone who has ADHD, and you’re discovering how it can impact your life together, here are Orlov’s top tips to make your relationship thrive.

Thank them for trusting you enough to share something so personal. Their depression could also be a mix of these two extremes. Have a talk with your partner to determine how their depression affects them, the warning signs you might look out for, and how you can best help them during your time together. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Psych Central does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Change is a natural part of any relationship, but sometimes it may cause difficulties.

Depression and Antidepressants Can Affect Sex

When something bad happens, it can be challenging for someone with BPD to process everyday emotions and bounce back from an emotional setback. Are you dating someone, but a little nervous about pursuing a relationship because he or she has a mental illness? But because executive dysfunction is one of the main symptoms of ADHD, your partner will likely have a hard time managing the administrative parts of their life. “They’ll over-compensate for the ADHD partner’s symptomatic behaviors, and over time they’ll become resentful and angry because they’re over-functioning in the relationship,” Orlov adds. To get more insight on your compatibility, start by educating yourself on ADHD.

Consider professional help

For example, if you have a showdown with your teenager, it’s okay to feel angry or disappointed. Remember, you’re human too and you can’t just turn off your feelings to accommodate your partner’s depression. In some cases, a person with depression might force an upbeat or happy mood to hide their mental illness. Perhaps you’ve dealt with the mental illness, or maybe this isn’t your first time dating a partner who struggles to manage mental health. Here is what to know about how to respond and what to think in the following situations.

Establishing healthy boundaries is always important, and it involves defining limits about the behaviors that will not be tolerated. Their behavior during a depressive episode can be difficult to understand and accept, particularly if they’re not aware of what their causes of depression are. The better you and your significant other understand depression, though, the greater chance you’ll have at developing a long-lasting, successful relationship. It can be tough for people with depression to talk about their depression symptoms. They may seem distant and reluctant to speak about a relationship. They can appear lazy, distracted, or generally uninterested in you, the relationship, and life.

Find Supportive BPD Treatment Today

You can’t fully support your girlfriend if you aren’t at your best, so make sure to practice good self-care. Borderline personality disorder is a misunderstood condition. We’re here to bust seven common myths and reveal the truth. We look at the symptoms, causes, and treatments, along with some resources that can help.

Anxiety in Children and Teens

The editorial team of LovePanky comprises relationship experts and real-life experts that share their experiences and life lessons. In fact, you may be saying the most profound, sensible thing ever that could totally do wonders for your lover’s spirit, but they’re just not listening. One of the most frustrating things to come to terms with is that sometimes, you can’t do a damn thing to make your lover happy. There is nothing worse than dating someone who never feels good. If they always have a headache or some health condition that plagues them, with no cause, it may actually be depression. Disciplinary actions, being late all the time, or even getting fired, if it isn’t their normal work ethic, point to depression.

In many cases, they feel unaccomplished and undeserving of respect. They may struggle to even just get out of bed in the morning. You can find in-depth, trusted information on depression on HealthyPlace.

You may also face some misunderstandings, so it’s a good idea to avoid getting defensive when your partner misreads you. Clarification and reassurance will go a long way when dating someone with borderline personality. It’s highly advisable that you also focus on your emotional needs, mental health, and personal safety. Their willingness to work on managing their symptoms isn’t up to you. Telling them about the challenges you face or going to couples counseling can also be helpful.

Ask them what they need from you to feel more supported and cared for. Most importantly, understand that there’s no instant or magical cure for depression. As a partner, how can you support and love someone with depression without taking on the role of their therapist? Here’s what to know about how depression can affect relationships, plus how to handle it.

This often isn’t the case, but your partner’s energy levels and interest in sex might wax and wane with their mood. You might be able to convince your partner to get treatment. If you’ve just realized that your partner is probably dealing with depression, you might feel a sense of relief. However, your partner — especially if they’re depressed — may not respond to this revelation in a positive way. Depression doesn’t always look like what you see in the media. A person who suffers from depression isn’t always acting sad, lying in bed, or talking about death (though they might be — and if they are, you should take them seriously and get help).